Dear Ones,
Happy New Year! This is the first newsletter of 2025.
It has a new look. Starting this month our newsletter will be published bimonthly. The content will not change.
All the regular columns; our lists of birthdays/anniversaries, important dates, and the thank you notes remain, the latest information from your Session continues. There is always room for articles or pictures.
I hope you find the new format to be a blessing.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Celebrations/January /Birthdays
01/04, Pat M., 01/05, Ezra E., 01/06, Janet K., 01/22 Dennis K., 01/26, Fred A.
02/21, Debbie B., 02/23, Dianne D.
(There were no Anniversaries in January or February)
Important Dates, January
01/01, Happy New Year! Prayer focus; Peace for all.
01/05 Second Sunday in Christmas/Epiphany, Fellowship Breakfast, Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; our congregation.
01/12, Baptism of the Lord. Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; those who have not been baptized.
01/18-01/25, Ecumenical Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Prayer focus; reconciliation.
01/19, Annual Meeting immediately following worship. Prayer focus; visioning for our congregation.
Important Dates, February
02/02 First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; our congregation.
Chaplain Sunday. Prayer focus; those who serve in chaplaincy.
02/13, Session Meeting, 4:00 PM. Prayer focus; our elders who serve on Session.
02/17, President’s Day. Prayer focus; our President and President elect.
Thank You!
Dear Martha and Mary Friends,
You are making a difference. Everything about your M&M box made me smile. From the decorated box to the cards and special treats. All so thoughtful. Thank you for the gift of encouragement and kindness.
With love and big hugs, Connie
Dear Church,
Thank you to Helen K. for giving me a sack of treats that our church members sacked up for me.
May God bless you all.
God’s blessings, David R.
Thank you to those who provided flowers for early December.
Thank you to everyone who purchased a poinsettia to grace our sanctuary at Christmas.
We are so grateful for those who helped decorate the sanctuary during the “Hanging of the Greens Worship.”
Thank you for making our December worship times so lovely.
Blessings, Pastor Dottie
The Session did not meet in December we will meet the next time on February 13, 2025.
Help Wanted
Clerk of Session
We are seeking a person with some secretarial skills. A willingness to learn our system. A person who wants to express their love for God by serving God’s people in the congregational setting.
Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Taking minutes for all Session and Congregational Meetings.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, and our minutes must reflect those rules. Terms of service are one year renewable.
There will be training available to help you.
You will be expected to keep the Church Register up to date.
There will be a yearly meeting of clerks for Session Minutes and Records Review.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Diane Marcure or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Serving Elder
We are seeking a person who is interested in serving in an administrative capacity. Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Participating in the care of the congregation. Being part of the decision-making process on the day-to-day care for the church, its grounds, and the manse. Overseeing committees and the finances of the congregation.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, our speech and actions must reflect those rules.
Terms of service is three years, renewable.
There will be training available for you.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Diane Marcure or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Qualifications: for Clerk of Session and Serving Elder. You must be a member of our congregation and have been or are willing to be ordained as an Elder in the PCUSA.
Election of Officers takes place at our Congregational Meeting in January 2025.
So ends the January/February Newsletter
Dear Ones,
“Advent” comes from a Latin word meaning “coming.”
The song from Westside Story rang out, “Something’s coming, I don’t know what it is, but it is going to be great.”
We know what is coming, the celebration of the joyful birth of the Christ child. Christmas blessings to one and all.
But it is still “Advent,” it is still coming.
Any English teacher will tell you that Advent is both a noun, referring to something that happened, the birth of Christ. His life on earth, eating with sinners, his teachings and healings, his mercy and his love. The death he freely accepted on the cross, his resurrection, and his ascension into heaven. It is there he sits at the right hand of God making supplications for each of us.
At the same time, it is an adjective looking forward to that which will come but has not yet arrived. Therein lies our hope, the second coming of Christ. The time when his peace will completely be our peace.
In Advent we have a season of joy and a season of hope.
As you prepare your home and your heart for the Christ child, spend some time in Advent praying, “Come Lord Jesus,” looking forward to Christ’s coming again.
May your Advent be filled with joy and hope. May your Christmas be filled with light and love.
Christmas blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie and Dan
12/07, Carol E., 12/14, Sharon P., 12/30, Mike A.
12/30, Mike & Virginia A.
Important Dates
12/01, First Sunday of Advent, Fellowship Breakfast, Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; our congregation.
12/03, Giving Tuesday. Prayer focus; generosity.
12/10, Human Rights Day. Prayer focus; basic human rights for all.
12/11, Blue Christmas, 7:00 PM worship/communion. Cookies and Cocoa following worship. Prayer focus; Those who are filled with sadness this time of year.
12/12, Session meets at 4:00 PM. Prayer focus; our church leadership.
12/24, Christmas Eve, worship/communion at 5:00 PM. Prayer focus; Our peace in this holy season.
12/25, Christmas Blessings. Prayer focus; our families and friends.
Thank You!
It is the last “thank you” column of the year.
As I look back over 2024 there are so many people for whom I give thanks.
If you read our newsletter thank you.
If you prayed for someone sick, if you prayed for our congregation, if you prayed for our session or Dan and me, thank you.
If you brought a meal or prayed with someone or sat quietly with someone who needed you to be an angel for them, thank you.
If you worshiped with us once, thank you.
If you participated in any of our mission projects, Bible studies, or group outings, thank you.
If you helped in any way: picked up in the pews after worship, helped to decorate the church. Helped by fixing something. Worked in the gardens.
If you donated time, treasure, talent, or items, thank you.
If you provided flowers for worship or bread or grape juice for communion, thank you.
If you were a secret saint, thank you.
If I have missed any kindness you have offered, THANK YOU!
Pastor Dottie
The Session met on November 14, 2024. Session opened with prayer in the sanctuary at 4:05 PM and then went into fellowship hall for the balance of the meeting.
We received the Minutes and Treasurer’s Reports.
During the Pastor’s Report we talked about visioning for the future. Approved time off in December for pastor.
We did our year-end reviews and approvals for next year.
We received committee reports.
Steve Deliberto reported that the school kits were assembled on October 13th..
Dave Marcure reported that the new handrail for the ramp has been installed and the old one has been installed at the kitchen door.
The light pole installation is complete.
The furnaces in the church and manse have been prepared for winter.
Ty Cocagne reported that the stewardship letter and pledge cards have been sent out.
Jack Fox reported that communion was served on first Sunday. Plans are in place for Longboards, our Thanksgiving celebration.
We adjourned the meeting at 5:15 PM with the prayers of the community and the passing of the peace.
Pastor Dottie, Clerk Pro Tem
Help Wanted
Clerk of Session
We are seeking a person with some secretarial skills. A willingness to learn our system. A person who wants to express their love for God by serving God’s people in the congregational setting.
Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Taking minutes for all Session and Congregational Meetings.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, and our minutes must reflect those rules.
Terms of service are one year renewable.
There will be training available to help you.
You will also be expected to keep the Church Register up to date.
There will be a yearly meeting of clerks for Session Minutes and Records Review.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Diane Marcure or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Serving Elder
We are seeking a person who is interested in serving in an administrative capacity. Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Participating in the care of the congregation. Being part of the decision-making process on the day-to-day care for the church, its grounds, and the manse. Overseeing committees and the finances of the congregation.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, our speech and actions must reflect those rules.
Terms of service is three years, renewable.
There will be training available for you.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Diane Marcure or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Qualifications: for Clerk of Session and Serving Elder. You must be a member of our congregation and have been or are willing to be ordained as an Elder in the PCUSA.
Election of Officers takes place at our Congregational Meeting in January 2025.
Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, November 2024
Dear Ones,
The newsletter is running a bit late this month. As I write to you this morning, people are voting in our election.
What I want us to consider is what happens next. None of us know how the election will play out. This has been a difficult time no matter what your political affiliation. It may be weeks before we know for sure who the winner is.
But we know who our neighbors are. Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Whether you feel that your candidate won or lost, the election was fair or not, our lives in community must go on.
Politicians come and go.
Remember it was your neighbor, the one whose yard sign you did not agree with, cleaned your snow when you could not.
It was your neighbor who may have voted differently than you, that brought a hot meal when you were sick or in mourning.
It is your neighbor who brightens your day with a friendly wave.
Do not get hung up on politics or politicians, focus on that which is important, your God and your neighbor.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Celebrations , Birthday
11/01, Helen K., 11/16, Allan K., Dave M., Dottie M.
11/18, Roger & Fran H.
Important Dates
11/01-08, World Community Day. Prayer focus; our communities.
11/03, First Sunday Fellowship Breakfast, Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; our congregation.
11/05, Election Day. Prayer focus; our nation.
11/11, Veterans’ Day. Prayer focus; Thanksgiving for their shared sacrifice.
11/19, Longboards, Potluck 6:00 PM, worship to follow. Prayer focus; Those who do not have enough to eat.
11/25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Prayer focus; women struggling with abuse.
11/28, Happy Thanksgiving Day. Prayer focus; Our families and friends.
Thank You!
Thank you to those who have provided flowers for weekly worship.
Worship Committee
The Session met on October 10, 2024. Session opened with prayer in the sanctuary at 4:00 PM and then went into fellowship hall for the balance of the meeting.
We received the Minutes and Treasurer’s Reports.
We received committee reports.
Steve D. reported that the school kits would be assembled on October 13th and he would take them to the Church of the Brethren Office.
Dave M. reported that the new handrail for the ramp has been installed and the old one has been installed at the kitchen door.
The light pole installation is to be completed.
The furnaces in the church and manse have been prepared for winter.
Ty C. reported that the stewardship letter and pledge cards will be sent out in November.
Jack F. reported that communion was served on first Sunday. Plans are in place for Longboards, our Thanksgiving celebration..
Pastor Dottie led a discussion of outreach.
We adjourned the meeting at 5:10 PM with the prayers of the community and the passing of the peace.
Pastor Dottie, Clerk Pro Tem
Help Wanted
Schapville Zion Church is pleased to announce two volunteer opportunities.
Clerk of Session
We are seeking a person with some secretarial skills. A willingness to learn our system. A person who wants to express their love for God by serving God’s people in the congregational setting.
Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Taking minutes for all Session and Congregational Meetings.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, and our minutes must reflect those rules.
Terms of service are one year renewable.
There will be training available to help you.
You will also be expected to keep the Church Register up to date.
There will be a yearly meeting of clerks for Session Minutes and Records Review.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Janet Kruger or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Serving Elder
We are seeking a person who is interested in serving in an administrative capacity. Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Participating in the care of the congregation. Being part of the decision-making process on the day-to-day care for the church, its grounds, and the manse. Overseeing committees and the finances of the congregation.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, our speech and actions must reflect those rules.
Terms of service is three years, renewable.
There will be training available for you.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Janet Kruger or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Qualifications: for Clerk of Session and Serving Elder. You must be a member of our congregation and have been or are willing to be ordained as an Elder in the PCUSA.
Election of Officers takes place at our Congregational Meeting in January 2025. Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, July/August 2024
Dear Ones,
Here are “Six Reasons” we should trust God.
He knows you by name.
Isaiah 43:1
“But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”
He will fight for you.
Exodus 14:14
“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.
He thinks about you.
Psalm 139:17
“How weighty to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast the sum of them!”
He has plans for you.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not harm, to give you a future with hope.”
He is your refuge.
Psalm 62;6-8
“He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my deliverance and my honor; my mighty rock, my refuge is in God.
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.”
He is always with you.
Matthew 28:20b
“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Carol Elliott’s sister Barb Hatfield shared this article with me.
Put the “Six Reasons to Trust God” in your Bible or paste the list in a prominent place where you can see them any time you need reassurance.
Also, take a few minutes each day to read through the Bible seeking other reasons, other promises of God. The Bible is full of reasons to trust Him.
It is a blessing to be reminded of the steadfast love of God.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
07/01, Dan M., 07/02, Doris B., 07/15, Ken K., 07/16, Mary K., 07/29, Jim H., 08/13, Laura D. 08/15, Rachel S., 08/22, Warren D.
07/12, Dan & Dottie M., 08/16, Jack & Carol F., 08/24, Milt & Pat M.
Important Dates
07/01-8/15, The Season of prayer and reflection in the Korean Peninsula continues. Prayer focus, peace for Koreans.
07/07, First Sunday Fellowship Breakfast, Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; the fellowship of this community.
Immigrants. Prayer focus, immigrants and their needs.
07/16, Ladies’ Circle. Prayer focus, the women of the church.
08/04, First Sunday Fellowship Breakfast, Worship/Communion. Prayer focus; the fellowship of this community.
College & Young Adult Sunday. Prayer focus, encouragement of young adults.
08/06, Hiroshima Day. Prayer focus; peace.
08/21, Public Education. Prayer focus; students and teachers.
08/23, International Remembrance Day for Slave Trade and it Abolition. Prayer focus; Remembrance of those caught in the modern slave trade.
Women’s Retreat 2024
Watch the bulletin board in the narthex for updates on our September Retreat!
Blessings, Connie D. & Carol E.
Thank You!
We received this thank you note from Kathy Pearson:
On behalf of Blackhawk Presbytery, I thank you for your and your members’ fantastic hospitality for our field trip participants. They all enjoyed the meal and your interesting talk on the history of Schapville Church.
We have heard back that people were “wowed” by everything they saw and learned…with many thanks,
Kathy Pearson
Thank you to those who have provided flowers for weekly worship.
Worship Committee
Our next scheduled meeting is in September.
Ladies’ Circle
Circle met on June 18. We enjoyed a “Ladies’ Day Out”
We had lunch at Millie’s Diner in Dickeyville. The food was excellent!
We visited the Dickeyville Grotto
The Dickeyville Grotto and Shrines were constructed by Father Mathias Wernerus 1924-1930 out of materials and found objects from all over the world.
We returned to church for cake and ice cream!
It was a great adventure!
If you have not joined us for Circle, please come to our next meeting July 16th program TBA
Ladies’ Circle
Dear Ones,
Happy New Year!
As we begin a new year it is a good time to think about our faith. Not our faith as individuals, but our corporate faith. Our faith as a congregation. And how do we as a congregation live out that faith?
Because we are Presbyterians, one way we can think about our corporate faith is asking ourselves how well we fulfill the Six Great Ends of the Church.
The Great Ends of the Church were composed in 1910. Six simple sentences that describe the church’s job description.
Rev. Phillip Blackburn says: “These sentences remind us of who we are, who we are called to be and what we are supposed to be doing in this world.”
The Six Great Ends of the Church:
1 The proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind.
2 The shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God.
3 The maintenance of divine worship.
4 The preservation of the truth.
5 The proclamation of social righteousness.
6 The exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
Where do you think we land as a congregation using a scale of 1 to 10? The number 1 being a failure and ten accomplishing the goal?
Please pray over each one of the Great Ends. Note how well you think our congregation is accomplishing each of the Great Ends in the world.
If there are areas where we are not doing well, please pray for wisdom and guidance.
If there are areas where we are doing well, please lift-up a prayer of thanksgiving.
I would welcome your thoughts. Please call me or talk to me before or after church or by email.
I pray that as you look at the Great Ends you will be encouraged and challenged.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Help Wanted
Clerk of Session
We are still seeking a person with some secretarial skills. A willingness to learn our system. A person who wants to express their love for God by serving God’s people in the congregational setting.
Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Taking minutes for all Session and Congregational Meetings.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, and our minutes must reflect those rules.
Terms of service is one year, renewable.
There will be training available to help you.
You will also be expected to keep the Church Register up to date.
There will be a yearly meeting of clerks for Session Minutes and Records Review.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Janet Kruger or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Serving Elder
We are still seeking a person who is interested in serving in an administrative capacity. Responsibilities: Praying for the congregation, the session, and pastor. Participating in the care of the congregation. Being part of the decision-making process on the day-to-day care for the church, its grounds, and the manse. Overseeing committees and the finances of the congregation.
At this time, we have 9 Stated (planned) Session meetings per year. If necessary, we occasionally have a short, Called meeting for business that needs immediate attention.
We follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, our speech and actions must reflect those rules.
Terms of service is three years, renewable.
There will be training available for you.
If you feel called by God to participate in the care and administration of our congregation. Please contact Janet Kruger or Pastor Dottie at the church 815-845-2272.
Qualifications: for Clerk of Session and Serving Elder. You must be a member of our congregation and have been or are willing to be ordained as an Elder in the PCUSA.
Election of Officers takes place at our Congregational Meeting January 21, 2024.
01/0, Pat M., 01/16, Janet K., 01/21, Roy C., 01/22, Dennis K., 01/24, Susan S., 01/26, Fred A.
Important Dates
01/01, Happy New Year! Prayer focus, peace.
01/06, Epiphany. Prayer focus, how we should share God’s love.
01/07, First Sunday, Epiphany celebration, Worship/Communion.
Prayer focus, those who have not heard the good news of the gospel.
01/11, Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Prayer focus, those who are enslaved.
01/15, Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday. Prayer Focus, human rights.
01/18-01/25, A week of prayer for Christian Unity. Prayer focus, that the things that bind us together are stronger than the things that separate us.
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
We were so blessed by everyone’s willingness to participate in our Advent services. Whether you did a reading or led worship or sang in the choir or helped to decorate the church your love of God shone through your efforts in church.
The Poinsettias were beautiful.
The Worship Committee
Dear Ones,
I was deeply touched by the generous Christmas gift I received this year. Thanksgiving prayers, cards, and gifts we received.
Dan and I are both grateful for your many prayers throughout the year. We are touched by the many kindnesses you have shown us. Thank you for the cards and gifts. Your generous and caring spirits touch our lives in so many ways and for that we are so grateful.
Pastor Dottie & Dan
Dear Church family,
Thank you so much for the very generous gift of money I received from you for Christmas.
I feel blessed and honored to be a part of your Christian family and to offer my support in whatever way I can and appreciate the opportunity I have been given to help. Thank you again for your generosity and kindness.
With love,
Session, December
The session met on December 20th, at 4:00 PM beginning with prayer in the sanctuary.
Minutes for the November 15th meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report for November was received.
November Checking
Opening Bal. 11/01 $ 9,236.88
Receipts 7,993.00
Expenses ( 8,698.42)
Balance 11/30 $ 8,531.46
Reports were received.
Action Items:
Reviewed our financials.
The Session did not elect a representative to Presbytery but will rely on volunteers.
Jack reported on communion service dates.
Next Session Meeting, February 21st
Closed with prayer.
Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, July-August 2023
Dear Ones,
I saw this quote from Physicist Neil de Grasse Tyson. He reminds us that our solidarity is not a choice, it’s a reality. We’re all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically. Our solidarity is a scientific fact.
We believe as Christians that this is God’s wisdom in creation. It is God’s economy at work. Brought to full expression by the birth, life, death, and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
Richard Rohr, said, “Because Jesus has come, and truly overturned and overcome the systems of the world, we are called to do likewise.”
Genesis 1:26a
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…”
We are blessed to be made in the image of God and because we are made in the image of God, we are all connected. Thanks be to God!
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
July brings back to school sales. Church World Services school kits is our outreach mission.
Even though we don’t deliver them until November, our offerings can be stretched to have a greater impact during July.
School kits consist of 1- pencil sharpener, 1 -12″ ruler, 1 -box of 24 crayons, 1- large eraser, 6-pencils not sharpened, 3- 70 count spiral notebooks, 1- pair of blunt scissors.
We have an abundance of bags this year. Our goal is 50 kits or more.
Please prayerfully consider donating to this mission project. You can give through the church. Just put school kits on your check.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration,
Steve D., Outreach Elder
Celebrations Birthdays
07/01, Dan M., 07/02, Doris B., 07/03, Nancy B., Diane Marcure, 07/15, Ken K., Mary K., 07/29, Jim H. , 08/13, Laura D., 08/15, Rachel S., 08/22, Warren D.
07/12, Dan & Dottie M., 08/16, Jack & Carol F., 08/24, Milt & Pat M.
Important Dates
07/02, First Sunday, fellowship breakfast and communion. Prayer focus immigrants.
07/04, Happy Birthday United States
07/18 Ladies Circle, Road trip to Fulton to see the Windmill and have lunch. Please contact Janet Kruger Carol Elliott for details. Prayer focus, women of the church.
07/23, Homecoming Luncheon, open mike. Share your story, sing a song, tell a joke. Prayer Focus, one another.
08/06, First Sunday, fellowship breakfast and communion. Hiroshima Day. Prayer focuses on peace.
08/09, International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. Prayer focus Indigenous People.
08/13, Youth in the church and world Sunday. Prayer focus, youth.
08/15, Peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Prayer focus, peace.
08/12, Public Education Sunday.
Prayer focus, teachers, and students in public schools.
Recipe Broken Glass Torte, Carol F.
1 small pkg, Lime Jello, 1 small pkg, Lemon Jello, 1 small pkg, Raspberry Jello
Prepare each Jello with 1 1/2 c. hot water in separate bowls. Let stand overnight.
Mix 1 c. pineapple juice which has been boiled with 1T. sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Dissolve 1 T. gelatin ¼ c. cold water. Add hot pineapple juice. Cool.
Graham Cracker Crust
2 c. graham cracker crumbs. (about 16-18 squares)
½ c. melted butter, 1/4 c. sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon
Grease bottom of tube pan or 9 ¾ inch round springform pan. Put ¾ of the crust in bottom. Reserve the rest for the top.
Putting it Together
1 pt whipping cream, 1/3 c. sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla
Whip the cream until pretty stiff. Add 1/3 c. of sugar and 1 tsp of vanilla. Fold cooled pineapple mix into whip cream. Cut Jello into small pieces. Gently fold Jello into whip cream. Pour into pan prepared with the graham cracker crust. Sprinkle with balance of crumbs. Refrigerate overnight.
Carol is married to Jack . Before she retired she served as a nurse in the neurology department. Carol is an active volunteer for the SonShine Center. Active in our Ladies’ Circle, and Adult Bible study. She loves jig saw puzzles and works on the church’s “community puzzle.”
She has shared the Broken Glass Torte at many church functions. And now, she shares it with us! Thank you, Carol!
Session Meeting
The session met on June 21th , at 4:00 PM beginning with prayer in the sanctuary. Minutes for the May 17th meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Report for May was received.
Reports were received.
Action Items: Payment $113.31 to Dianne D. and $35.11 to Carol E. for plants. Passed.
Jack reported Communion was served; 05/28, 06/04.
The church clean-up was completed with 10 volunteers on June 17th. Thank you to each one who participated.
Next Session meeting is September 20th at 4:00 PM. The meeting adjourned with prayer at 4:50 PM.
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
Many thanks to those who provided flowers for our worship times in the last month.
Cemetery Association
Many thanks to you for your generous support for the care of the cemetery. Ty C., Dave M., Dan M., Cemetery Committee
Thank you for your participation in our church cleanup!
Women’s Retreat
A place of Sharing & Support
A time of Scripture & Connection
A haven of Laughter & Community
The Second Annual Women’s Retreat
September 16, 2023, Save the Date
Dear Ones,
Advent is the traditional season of hope. But the anticipation of summer brings a sense of hope of its own.
We long for the kiss of the warm sun to cheer our spirits. We listen for songs of the birds; they fill our souls with joy.
Calves showing up in the pasture. New growth in the fields. Birds on the nest; what does it all mean?
It is anticipation. The hope of anticipation is the hope found in the cycles of life returning, continuing. Knowing that which was thought to be dead will come to life again. The seeds and the bulbs buried in the ground, brown and lifeless, will now fill the fields with flowers and plants.
As the world breaks forth with life the words of the “Hymn of Promise,” comes to mind:
“In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be, unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.”
Psalm 146 gives us these words; “Blessed are those whose help is in the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord.”
It reminds us that as we live in Christ we are blessed through our hope and can look forward with confidence. Our future remains a mystery.
The newness of life reminds us of God’s presence in our lives in the past and how he kept his promises. It is remembering God’s grace and mercy in the past that gives us confidence in the future. And confidence in the future is hope.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
06/01, Russell D., 06/15, David R., 06/18, Sue H. 06/27, Jim H.
06/29, Steve Deliberto
06/08, Warren & Dianne D. 06/10, Jim & Monika B. 06/14, Bill & Debbie B. 06/16, Larry & Carol E. 06/21, Ty & Gail C. 06/25, Ken & Mary K.
Important Dates
06/02, National Gun Violence Awareness Day. Prayer focus an end to gun violence.
06/04, Trinity Sunday, First Sunday, fellowship breakfast and communion. Prayer focus our congregation.
06/17, Church Cleanup Day, 9:00 Am. Prayer focus, fellowship.
06/18, Father’s Day. Prayer focus the godly men who guided us in our walk of faith.
06/20 Ladies Circle, 1:00 PM, Fellowship Hall. Prayer focus, women of the church.
06/27, Session Meeting 4:00 PM, Prayer Focus, our Session.
05/21, Presbyterian Heritage Sunday. Prayer focus, our denominational leadership.
Session Meeting
The session met on May 17th , at 4:00 PM beginning with prayer in the sanctuary.
Minutes for the April 19th meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Reports for April was received.
Reports were received.
Action Items: Steeple cleaning at painting. Purchase of new doors for the front entrance. Both passed.
Jack Fox reported Communion was served; 05/07
Next Session meeting is June 21st at 4:00 PM.
The meeting adjourned with prayer at 4:45 PM.
Poetry Corner
“Ad Marjorem Dei Glorium” (“For the Greater Glory of God”)
Frederick Geo Scott, (1861-1944)
Thy glory alone, O God, be the end of all that I say;
Let it shine in every deed, let it kindle the prayers that I pray;
Let it burn in my innermost soul, till the shadow of self pass away,
And the light of Thy glory, O God, be unveiled in the dawning of day.
Frederick George Scott was an Anglican priest and a Canadian poet. He was associated with Canada’s Confederation Poets, and wrote 13 books of Christian and patriotic poetry, often using the natural world to convey deeper spiritual meaning.
My prayer for us is that we remember all we say and all we do should be for the greater glory of God.
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
Many thanks to those who provided flowers for our worship times in the last month. Thank you to Mike for putting in soil and raking our new garden area. Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Late Breaking News!
Women’s Retreat Sharing & Support
Scripture & Connection Laughter & Community
The Second Annual Women’s Retreat
September 16, 2023 Save the Date
Dear ones,
Lent is a time to prepare to understand Christ’s resurrection from the dead.
It is the time when we are invited to remember Christ’s life and His earthly ministry. To hear anew, His words. To fill our hearts and minds with His stories and His truths. We are called to walk with Jesus on that final journey to Jerusalem.
On our bulletin board at church, we show several traditional ways of experiencing Lent.
Lent is a time of giving up. Fasting is a form of self-denial which traditionally involves the limitation of foods we eat or an abstaining from meat or favorite foods. It is not a diet. The omission of certain foods is for the purpose of focusing attention on God’s presence in our lives. Fasting has long been a practice of many Protestants. John Wesley thought this an important practice. Fasting is not limited to foods in the 21st century. One can fast from social media, from certain activities, anything that you feel is distracting you from focusing attention on God.
Lent is time for giving. Almsgiving provides us with the discipline of giving to others and can take many forms. We are called to give out of joy and thanksgiving for what we have, rather than out of guilt we may feel over the poor and sick. Almsgiving during Lent can include money for missions such as One Great Hour of Sharing, hours spent in a food kitchen, or care packages for military serving overseas.
Lent is a time of honest reflection and moving closer to God. Lent calls us to spend more time in prayer. To confess our sins and ask God to reveal areas of our lives that need His transformation. It is also a time of studying the Bible and devotions.
This is the second Sunday in Lent. You still have time to get ready. To prepare. Commit the days between now and Easter on focusing your attention on God’s presence in your lives. Easter Sunday is coming! Lent will prepare the way for a joyous Easter Celebration. The resurrection is coming!
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Birthdays: 03/11, Jack F., 03/14, John D., 03/24, Barb C., 03/26, Mike S.
Anniversary: 03/09, Dave & Diane M.
Important Dates
03/05, First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer Focus, giving thanks for the gifts of Women.
03/12, Worship, Daylight Savings time begins, Prayer Focus, the partnership between our congregations and the communities they serve.
03/15, Session Meeting 4:00 PM, Prayer Focus, our Session.
03/16, St. Paddy’s Day Luncheon and fellowship.
03/19, Worship, Prayer Focus our congregation and its vitality.
03/20, Mr. Roger’s Day, Prayer Focus, that we learn to be kinder to one another.
03/26 Worship, Prayer Focus, those who advocate for those who have no voice.
Session Meeting
The session met on February 15, at 4:00 PM beginning with prayer in the sanctuary. Minutes for the December meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Reports for December & January were received.
The baptism of Ezra William was authorized.
Reports were received. There were discussions regarding a tree that needs to come down; the possibility of new doors; and replacing the de-humidifier.
Communion was served; 12/24, 01/01/23, 01/08, 02/05
Next meeting is March 15th at 4:00 PM. The meeting adjourned with prayer at 4:55 PM.
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
Thanks to those who provided flowers for our worship times in the last month. Thank you to our Treasurer, Helen Kilgore, and our Clerk, Elaine Deliberto, for their commitment and their administrative work.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
There was so much going on in Schapville this month! Installation of officers. A baptism. In addition, the beginning of the holy season of Lent. It is a blessing for each of us to share in the experience of the vitality, joy, and commitment of this congregation.
Dear Ones,
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to pick up the phone and call someone you haven’t touched base with, in a long time, for whatever reason. It is a chance to build bridges. It is a chance to share God’s love.
If we speak about Christian love, we can hardly leave out forgiveness.
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to show love to everyone–even to our enemies. It provides an opening to offer and accept forgiveness.
In Christian faith one of the defining characteristics of God’s love is that God forgives us our sins. It is God’s forgiveness that frees us to forgive others. Love always gives and always forgives!
We usually do better with giving than with forgiving. But our love is not God’s kind of love if we don’t learn to forgive others! Jesus says: “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”
How quickly do we get offended at something others say or do? It is so much easier for us to get offended at those who are close to us. With those closest to us we need to prayerfully consider how we react to their behavior, or how we handle disagreement.
Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to make amends with a family member or a neighbor or a “former” friend. We do that by showing our love to one another. It is also the way to teach our children about true love and commitment in relationships. After all, God is concerned about us and our relationships—and so should we be concerned.
Valentine’s Day Blessings!
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Schapville Zion “Adopted” Grandchild
Esteban is our new church grandchild. He was born in April of 2016. He lives in the lower Rio Grande Valley on the Texas-Mexico border.
Helen K. will be providing us with updates and sharing ways that we can support Esteban.
Please hold Esteban in your prayers.
02/06, Russ D., 02/18, Josie V., 02/21, Debbie B., 02/23, Dianne D., 02/27, Tony Abruzzo
Important Dates
02/01-08, Interfaith Harmony Week, Prayer Focus, grace and understanding among the faiths.
02/05, First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer Focus, Presbyterian Chaplains
02/12, Worship, Installation of Officers, Prayer Focus, our leadership team.
02/15, Session Meeting 4:00 PM, Prayer Focus, our Session.
02/19, Transfiguration Sunday Worship/Communion, Prayer Focus, seeing God in Christ.
02/20, Presidents’ Day, Prayer Focus our President.
02/22, Ash Wednesday, Worship/Imposition of Ashes/Communion, Prayer Focus, the keeping of a holy Lent.
02/29 First Sunday in Lent, Prayer Focus, forgiveness.
Session Meeting
The session will meet on February 15, at 4:00 PM beginning with prayer in the sanctuary.
Mexican Lasagna, Sue H.
1 lb. Ground Beef (a small onion, optional)
1 c. Frozen Corn or 1 can Kernel Corn (drained)
1 can Black Beans (drained some liquid off)
1 c. Cooked Rice (left-over is great)
2 c. Salsa
2 tsp. Cumin
2 tsp. Chili Powder (heaping or to taste)
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 c. Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Flour Tortillas cut in half.
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a 13 x 9 baking pan.
Brown ground beef and optional onion and drain. Add the next 7 ingredients to a large skillet. Cook till flavors are blended, about 15 minutes. Layer in a 13 x 9 baking dish, Tortillas- Meat Mixture-Cheese. Make two layers ending with cheese.
Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes until bubbly.
Sue and her husband Jim split their time between their home in Apple Canyon and their daughter’s home in the suburbs. Sue is active in Ladies’ Circle and the Adult Bible Study.
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
Thank you to Dave, Jim, and Dan who put together the children’s area in the sanctuary. It looks great!
Thanks to those who provided flowers for our worship times in the last month.
I want to add thanks to Ty Cocagne for putting together our Annual Report.
Carol Elliott provided music on disc while she was on vacation, thank you.
Little things get done around the church by secret saints. We are so grateful for all they do.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Dear Ones,
Five years ago, in our Newsletter we looked at three questions to help us clarify our relationship with Jesus Christ.
As we enter the first month of 2023, it is a good time to take another look at how our relationship with Jesus Christ is growing.
As you consider your relationship with Jesus Christ, here are three clarifying questions:
Is there evidence of God’s presence in your life?
How real has God been this week to your heart?
How clear and vivid is your assurance and certainty of God’s forgiveness and unconditional love. To what degree is that real to you right now?
Are you having any seasons of sweet delight in God?
Do you really sense his presence in your life?
Do you really sense him giving you, his love?
Is there evidence of Scripture changing you?
Are you reading your Bible regularly?
Are you finding certain biblical promises extremely precious and encouraging?
Which ones?
Are you finding God’s calling you or challenging you to something through the word? In what ways?
Is there evidence of a growing appreciation for God’s mercy?
Are you finding God’s grace more glorious and moving now than you have in the past?
We spend a lot of our time just going about our daily routine. In this mid-winter, while things are quiet it is a good time to think about God and measure the depth of our relationship. Winter invites us to go deeper into our relationship with Christ. There are several ways to seek the Lord’s face. You can spend more time in God’s Word, you can read the Word, you can pray God’s Word, you can even sing God’s Word to bring it deeper into your spirit. There are devotionals that are available, suited to every approach to faith. If you need help selecting a devotional, please see me. There is prayer and meditation, spending time in God’s presence and love. The outreach to others is the expression of a growing understanding of God’s mercy and grace.
In 2023, my prayer for you, is that you grow in God’s grace and mercy. That your life be filled with God’s love and hope.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Celebrations – Birthdays
01/04, Pat M., 01/16, Janet K., 01/21, Roy C., 01/22, Dennis K., 0124, Susan S., 01/26, Fred A., 01/31, Mason C.
Important Dates
01/01, Happy New Year! First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer focus, peace
01/06, Epiphany of the Lord. Prayer Focus, Those who still do not know Christ
01/08, Baptism of the Lord. Prayer Focus, Those who are held by human traffickers
01/18, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins. Prayer Focus, Unity
01/29, Congregational Corporation Annual Meeting following worship. Prayer Focus, Our congregation
Session Meeting, December 21, 2022
The session meeting opened with prayer in the sanctuary at 4:05 PM.
Minutes of the previous meetings were approved. The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Reports were received.
Pastor Dottie requested 6 days’ vacation. Motion carried.
Motions were carried: to set the date of the Cong/Corp. Annual Meeting Jan. 29th, the budget including the pastor’s package, communion dates for 2023, the nominating slate, the election of the Clerk of Session and Treasurer
Reviews of the following: the rolls, the church’s insurance, finances Ty Cocagne reported on the 2023 budget.
Pastor Dottie reported, communion was served, 12/04, and 12/07.
The session meeting was closed with prayer and peace at 4:56 PM.
Poetry Corner, “An Angel Unaware,” Anonymous
If after kirk ye bide a wee,
There’s some would like to speak to ye;
If after kirk ye rise and flee, We’ll all seem cold and stiff to ye,
The one that’s in the seat wi’ ye, Is stranger here than you may be;
All here has got their fears and cares-add you your soul unto our prayers; Be you our angel unawares.
Churches are kirks in Scotland. So, the only thing we can know about this poem is that it was composed by someone of Scottish heritage.
This poem speaks beautifully to the importance of each person who enters the church doors on Sunday morning. Our importance is not in what we receive, but it lies in what we give of ourselves.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Christian Education
My name is Laura D. I am the Elder for Christian Education. This article is just some “food for thought”.
When God created Adam and Eve, He created a need for us to feed our bodies regularly each and every day. I know if I eat “junk” food, I can tell it. On the other hand, if I eat nutritious foods, my body tends to “fire on all cylinders”.
So, it is with our need for Spiritual nutrition. What if we fed our bodies once a week? How would our bodies function? They wouldn’t function and in fact we would weaken, starve, and die.
What if we only relied on the benefits from Sunday services for our spiritual needs for the next 7 days? Same results. Our relationship with our Father would suffer as well; our spiritual life will not grow and will weaken.
Our spiritual lives need regular daily feeding. Daily devotions, prayer and Bible readings are vital. So is a Bible Study. If you are unable to attend one offered at the church (and can navigate a computer), there are some good online options. Feeding your spirit will strengthen and grow your relationship with God and help equip and strengthen you for His work to be His Hands and Feet and to love and serve others.
Love, Laura
Thank You! Dear Ones,
We received a thank you from the Presbytery of the Yukon for our continued support. The Mop Shop sent a note which read in part; “During this time of thanksgiving I want to extend a special note of appreciation…we are most thankful for your commitment to our cause. Mindy.
David R. sent a thank you for the Christmas stocking of treats.
Dan and I have so much to be grateful for this year. Your prayers have strengthened us. Your generous gifts have humbled us.
Each of you is a gift to this community of faith. Dan and I are thankful to be a part of your faith journey.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Dear Ones,
The song writer penned, “The days dwindle down to a precious few.” As the year comes to an end we wonder “where did the days go?”
Our lives are so busy, sometimes we don’t even notice the turning of the calendar. It is easy to slip from one year to the next. But setting aside a special time for personal prayer with the Lord helps us conclude the year in a meaningful way and prepare ourselves for the new year.
Take time to reflect on the year we’ve just passed through. Consider the many ways the Lord cared for us, both materially and spiritually. You will see how the Lord has been constantly caring for us.
A verse in the Old Testament describes God’s faithfulness to us. Lamentations 3:22-23 says: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Whether we were conscious of it or not, every morning, God’s tender compassions met us anew. Reflecting on the events of the past year opens our eyes to His great faithfulness toward us, in matters great and small.
We should also reflect on our personal behavior; confession is good for the soul. Reconciling with God opens the door of our heart to receive God’s forgiveness.
In 1 John 1:9, it says: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all.”
We don’t want to carry over anything that negatively affects our walk with the Lord into the next year. Dealing with any unresolved sins will allow us to begin the new year in a positive way.
As we spend time considering the Lord’s lovingkindness to us, His compassions, and His faithfulness, we’ll surely realize how great His love is for us. His love even caused Him to die for us so we can be forgiven and washed from our sins.
As we reflect on all the ups and downs of our year, we’ll realize He never stopped loving us. This realization will cause us to love Him even more, and spontaneously we’ll tell Him, “Lord Jesus, I love You.”
Know that Dan and I are praying for each of you. We wish you the many blessings of Christmas.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie & Dan
Advent Schedule
12/07 Blue Christmas 7:00PM
12/18 Christmas Caroling & Pastor’s Christmas Luncheon 10:00 AM
12/24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 5:00 PM
12/25 Christmas Day Worship 10:00 AM
Important Dates
12/04, First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer focus, those struggling with HIV-AIDS
12/07, Blue Christmas, worship/communion with light fellowship, 7:00 PM
Prayer Focus, Those who alone for the first time this Christmas
12/18, Christmas Caroling & Pastor’s Luncheon, please bring a side dish or dessert to share and a friend
Prayer Focus, Those who do not have adequate food
12/21, Session
Prayer Focus, The church leadership
11/24, Christmas Eve worship and communion, 5:00 PM
Prayer Focus, families
12/25, Christmas morning worship.
Prayer Focus, Those in need
Session Meeting
October 19, 2022
The session meeting opened with prayer in the sanctuary at 4:00 PM.
Minutes of the previous meetings were approved.
The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Session minutes and register were approved at the yearly review without exception.
Per Capita for 2023 is $42.00
Pastor Dottie requested 6 days’ vacation. Motion carried.
Steve Deliberto informed us that we sent 53 school kits to CWS.
Ty Cocagne reported on the 2023 budget.
Dave Marcure reported, communion was served, 11/06, and 11/15.
The session meeting was closed with prayer and peace at 4:56 PM.
Poetry Corner
“Christmas Pastoral”
Robert Hillyer (1895-1961)
The snow lies crisp beneath the stars, On roofs and on the ground;
Late footsteps crunch along the paths, There is no other sound.
So, cold it is the roadside trees Snap in the rigid frost,
A dreadful night to think on them-The homeless and the lost
The dead sleep sheltered in the tomb. The rich drink in the hall,
The Virgin and the Holy Child Lie shivering in a stall.
Robert Hillyer graduated from Harvard University, cum laude in 1917. In 1919, Hillyer described himself as “a conservative and religious poet in a radical and blasphemous age.” In 1934, he received a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his book The Collected Verse of Robert Hillyer. His work is in meter and often rhyme and he tended to write about death, love and nature.
I wanted to share this poem from my childhood with you because so often we think of Jesus and his mother all neat and tidy, warm, and smiling as we see them on our Christmas cards. Even in the best circumstance, that was a difficult evening for both mother and child. As we celebrate, let us be aware of their struggle and give thanks for new life.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, October 2022
Dear Ones,
It is October, the leaves are falling, and the winds are cool upon our faces. As we begin our fall season together our Stewardship chair, Ty C. is beginning to prepare for the new budget year.
You will soon receive a letter from Ty asking you to commit to a weekly, monthly, or yearly donation. If you can make a commitment, it helps our Session to make decisions on how we will use our assets next year.
David Rogers wrote this on giving and sent it to me and so I share it with you.
“A Statement of Faith Through the Gift of Giving”
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. All the things of the earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”
When Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church, concerning giving, he reminded them of how the Macedonian Church, though they were poor, they were great givers in helping to spread the Gospel. He said, “and now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God gave the churches in Macedonia, they have been tested by great troubles and they are very poor, but they gave much because of their great joy. I can tell you they gave as much as they were able.”
David R.
Mother Theresa said, “It is not how much you give, but how much love is in your giving.”
We are so thankful that you have always faithfully supported Schapville Zion Church with prayer and treasure.
Please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry with continued prayers and financial gifts.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
10/02, Morgan C., 10/06, Bill P., 10/15, Carol F., 10/23, Connie D., Kathy P.
10/19, Jarrett & Connie D., 10/23, Mike & Susan S.
Important Dates
10/01-31, Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Prayer focus, those in abusive relationships
10/02, First Sunday, World Communion Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer focus, Peace
10/03-10, Mental Illness Awareness
Prayer Focus, Those struggling with Mental Health issues
10/10, Columbus Day
Prayer Focus, Indigenous peoples
10/16, World Food Day, Children’s Sabbath
Prayer Focus, Children
10/19, Session
Prayer Focus, Session Elders
10/20, Ladies’ Circle Luncheon at Breitbach’s Restaurant
10/30, Reformation Sunday
Prayer focus, the Church reformed and always reforming.
Coming in November!
Beginning in the November issue there will be a recipe corner. You are invited to send your favorite recipes to Pastor Dottie for publication. We will feature a recipe each month. There will also be a little biographical information about the person who provided the recipe.
Women’s Retreat
We Are God’s Masterpiece!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Women’s Retreat. We look forward to seeing you next year.
There were so many people who helped. Thank you to our volunteers and those who made donations.
Food Gail C. Tableware Wende C.
Set-up: Jim H., Dave M. and Dan M. Floral Design: Dianne D.
Retreat Coordination: Connie D., Carol E.
Wende C., Dianne D., Connie D., Carol E., Erica E. and Pastor Dottie Morizzo.
Thank you, we could not have made this retreat the success it was without you.
Because of your work: We did projects together. We studied God’s word together. We created a Peace Tree and a Friendship quilt. We prayed together. We laughed and cried together. We broke bread and came closer to God and one another. We look forward to next year!
Connie D. and C.
Dear Ones,
I received a note of thanks from Bonnie S. on Opal P.’s behalf:
“I read your note to Opal, and she was most pleased. And just as I read it, the flowers arrived…We had a nice day on the patio and Opal gloried in it all…. Thank you.”
A special note of gratitude for those who provided flowers from their own gardens or from a florist over the summer. The beauty of the flowers enhances our worship time together.
God bless you and thank you.
Blessing and love,
Pastor Dottie
Session Meeting
Session met on September 21, 2022.
The meeting was opened with prayer in the sanctuary.
The minutes from the June 15th and July 17th meetings were approved.
The Treasurer’s reports from June/July/August were received.
Pastor Dottie introduced a discussion of the Matthew 25 initiative. Handouts with information on Matthew 25 were given to the elders. It was agreed that Nan C. from the Presbytery would come and speak to us regarding revitalization at our October meeting.
Motions: Use of fellowship hall. Shower to be held November 19th. Carried
Vacation for Pastor Dottie 09-25-09/30. Carried.
Permission and funding for a September 2023 Women’s Retreat. Carried.
Reports were received.
Session meeting was closed with prayer.
Poetry Corner
“On the Setting Sun”
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832
Those evening clouds, that setting ray,
And beauteous tints, serve to display
Their great Creator’s praise;
Then let the short-lived thing call’d man,
Whose life’s comprised within a span,
To him his homage raise.
We often praise the evening clouds,
And tints so gay and bold,
But seldom think upon our God,
Who tinged these clouds with gold.
Sir Walter Scott was a Scottish poet and author. His works are considered classics.
“On the Setting Sun,” reminds me of Psalm 65. Which speaks of a God who answers prayer and is active in the work of creation. A fully engaged God caring for the earth and the earth’s inhabitants.
On Sunday we sing the Doxology. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”
It is always fitting that we give thanks for all the blessings and the beauty of the earth.
Pastor Dottie
Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, July/August 2022
Dear Ones,
This is our newsletter for July and August. We have tried to include as much of our summer schedule as we are able, to keep you abreast of what is happening at SZPC.
The choir is back. Singing once a month and rehearsals on Sundays at 9:15. All are welcome!
A Healing/Wholeness Service is planned for Sunday July 17.
Homecoming is planned for August 14th, our theme this year is “Welcome Home.” Please bring any memorabilia you have from our church for display. I am sure there will be some surprises!
Women’s Retreat is planned for September 17th. There is more information in an article in this newsletter.
There will be no Session Meeting July/August.
We will be sending updates of events and scheduling as needed by email and U.S. Mail.
July and August are beautiful months in Jo Daviess County. Take a step back and enjoy.
Like Jesus, spend time in prayer.
Jesus makes this promise, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Genesis tells us that on the seventh day God rested. That was the creation of the Sabbath. Jesus reminds us that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Prayer time prepares us for rest on the Sabbath.
Augustine reminds us, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
July and August are a good time to bring the rhythm of prayer and Sabbath into your life. Bringing a sense of calm to your daily routine.
Spending time in prayer helps to calm your restless spirit.
Sabbath time away from your routine grants you a occasion to be refreshed in God’s love.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
07/01, Dan M, 07/02, Doris B
07/03, Nancy B, Diane M
07/15, Ken K
07/16, Mary K
07/29, Jim H
08/04, Louisa W
08/13, Laura D
08/15, Rachel S
08/22, Warren D
08/31, Mattie C
07/12, Dan & Dottie M
08/16, Jack & Carol F
08/24, Milt & Pat M
08/31, Russ & Elaine D
Important Dates
07/03, First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer focus, Immigrants
07/04, Independence Day
Prayer Focus, Our Nation
07/17, Healing/Wholeness Service
Prayer Focus, One Another
08/06, Hiroshima Day
Prayer Focus, Peace
08/07, First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer focus, Young Adults
08/14, Homecoming Worship and In-door Picnic.
Prayer focus, Our Friends, and Neighbors.
Women’s Retreat
Save the date mark your calendar! Come join us for our all-day women’s retreat. We will have joyful worship, friendship, learning, and good food. Celebrating God’s love through joyful worship, friendship, and laughter. Women’s retreat will take place on Saturday September 17. Details to soon follow.
Connie DuBois and Carol Elliott
“A Prayer”
B. Y. Williams
Oh, not for more or longer days, dear Lord,
My prayer shall be-But rather teach me how to use the day
Now given me.
I ask not more of pleasure or of joy
For this brief while-
But rather let me for the joys I have
Be glad and smile.
I ask not ownership of vast estates
Nor piles of gold-
But make me generous with the little store
My hands now hold.
Nor shall I ask that life should give me
Another friend-
Just keep me true to those I have, dear Lord,
Until the end.
I could find no information about our poet.
The poet’s understanding of the value of gratitude is a blessing to all who read his words.
Many pastors, doctors, and therapist agree that gratitude is a path to peace and contentment.
I Thessalonians reminds us to; 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Notice, “in circumstances,” not “for circumstances.”
Seek to see the things in life you are thankful for, and you will be thankful
God bless you with eyes to see.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Dear Ones,
All through the year when there is a special offering. It seems everyone who is able donates. Those donations allow us to make the lives of others better. It allows us to support missions in places we cannot physically go.
Other special offerings keep our church and cemetery in good physical condition.
God bless you for your generous spirits and thank you.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Session, June 15
Session opened with worship.
Minutes were approved for the Stated Meeting May 11.
March Treasurer’s Report was received.
Pastor Dottie reported on the Presbytery Assembly Meeting.
Worship chair, Dave Marcure, reported dates communion was served. A list of special services. We had a discussion of music for Homecoming.
Motion to re-imburse Dianne Dixon for flowers for the church yard in the amount of $150.10, carried.
Outreach chair Steve Deliberto reported that he had ordered the bags for the school kits for CWS.
Service chair Milt Mitchell reported that he had replaced the downspout on the corner of the church and replaced furnace filters. Gutters were cleaned. A motion was made for Milt to contact a contractor and arrange for new 6 inch gutters and downspouts to be installed at the church. Motion carried.
No other reports were received.
Our next stated meeting will be September 21 at 4:00 pm in fellowship hall.
Meeting adjourned with prayer at 4:45.
Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, June 2022
Dear Ones,
It is the official beginning of our summer resort season.
Your families and friends will be coming to spend time with you and enjoy our area.
As it is every year, it will be joyful, but very busy.
There will be wet towels and picnic lunches. You will be hard pressed to keep track of the little ones.
Enjoy! Enjoy!
But set aside time each day to spend just being part of God’s beautiful creation.
Listen to the hymns sung by the songbirds.
Smell the sweet incense of roses.
Take in the beauty of a road where tree-tops close in and block out the sky, it is the most magnificent of cathedrals.
Wonder at the stars. Watch the clouds move along an azure blue sky.
Invite your guests and your children and grandchildren to join you for a walk in wonder of the beautiful world that God created.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
06/02, Russell D. 06/15, David R., 06/18, Sue H., 06/29, Steve D.,
06/08, Warren & Dianne, 06/10, Jim & Monika,
06/14, Bill & Deb, 6/16, Larry & Carol, 6/21, Ty & Gail
06/25, Ken & Mary, 6/27, Jim & Sue
Important Dates
06/05, Pentecost, First Sunday, Fellowship Breakfast, worship/communion. Prayer focuses,
Gun Violence
06/12, Trinity Sunday, worship/communion.
06/14, Presbytery Assembly
06/15, Session meets 4:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
06/19, Father’s Day. Prayer focus, fathers and the godly men who guided us on our journey of faith
06/20, World Refugee Day. Prayer focus, refugees and those assisting them
06/21, Ladies’ Circle 1:30 Fellowship Hall
06/27, World AIDS day. Prayer focus those struggling with HIV/AIDS
“Out in the Fields with God”
The little cares that fretted me, I lost them yesterday,
Among the fields above the sea, Among the winds at play,
Among the lowing of the herds, The rustling of the trees,
Among the singing of the birds, The humming of the bees.
The foolish fears of what might pass I cast them all away
Among the clover-scented grass Among the new mown hay,
Among the rustling of the corn Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are born-Out in the fields with God.
This anonymous poet reminds us of the beauty of the earth. The psalmist before him gave us these words from Psalm 65,
“The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout together and sing for joy.”
God has provided us a beautiful home; praise be to God.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Thank You
Dear Ones,
We give thanks for the “First Friday” gardeners, Carol E., Dianne D. and all the volunteers who keep our grounds so beautiful.
Thank you to Gail C. for planting the flowers in the urns at our front entrance.
A special thank you to Fran H. for putting together our directory.
God bless you and thank you.
Blessing and love,
Pastor Dottie
Session, May 11
Session opened with worship.
Minutes were approved for the Stated Meeting March 18 and the Called Meeting March 27.
Pastor Dottie led a discussion on future planning the discussion centered around doing old things in new ways.
Worship reported on communion served.
April Treasurer’s Report was received.
No other reports were received.
Meeting adjourned with prayer.
Additions to our Directory
Tammy Cocagne, 815-281-2966
Warren Dixon, 815-297-3008
Dianne Dixon, 815-297-3007
Ladies’ Circle
After lunch at Europa Haus Restaurant, we went to Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dubuque. The church will soon start to have their pipe organ refurbished. We had a chance to see it before the process started. We were able to go from the basement to the choir loft and observe the workings of the instrument. Merrill Crawford, our host explained the workings of the organ and shared with us the intricacies of how the organ was played.
Both Carol Elliott and Lydia Hurst had an opportunity to sit and play.
Schapville Zion Church Newsletter, April 2022
Dear Ones,
We celebrate Easter every year. We color eggs, we might buy new clothes for ourselves or for the children of the family. We have a nice dinner as family or with friends.
Our ‘Book of Common Worship’ tells us this about Easter. “The word Easter comes from an old English word related to dawn and shining. On Easter morning we celebrate the presence and power of the risen Christ, in His church, proclaiming the good news through Word and Sacrament. We rejoice in the Holy Spirit, who is the ‘Lord and giver of life.’ In the fullest sense, Easter is a new way of life, in which we are ‘dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.’ (Romans 6:4)…Like Christmas, Easter is not a single day but a season. It spans the fifty days between the Resurrection of the Lord and the Day of Pentecost…In this most joyful season we celebrate the great mystery of our faith-that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.”
Hallelujah! May the fifty days between Easter and Pentecost be filled with God’s blessing for you and your family. Happy Easter.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie & Dan
“A Song at Easter”
Charles Hanson Towne
If this bright lily, Can live once more, And its white promise, Be as before,
Why can not the great stone, Be moved from His door?
If the green grass, Ascend and shake, Year after year,
And blossoms break, Again and again, For April’s sake,
Why can not He, From the dark and mould, Show us again
His manifold, And gleaming glory, A stream of God?
Faint heart, be sure, These things must be,
See the new bud, On the old tree!…
If flowers can wake, Oh, why not He?
Charles Hanson Towne, (1877-1949), was an author, poet, editor, and popular New York celebrity. From 1931-1937 he wrote a personal and literary column for the New York American, taught a poetry course at Columbia University.
The resurrection of Christ is central to our Christian faith. It is not a secondary issue or an afterthought. In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, he speaks quite plainly, “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” I Corinthians 15:13-14
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Ladies Circle
Ladies Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 19 at 1:00. We will spend our time in devotions and prayer, as well as catching up!
We will also watch the movie, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” about Fred Rogers.
Please let Janet Kruger know if you plan to come. If anyone would like to provide popcorn and drinks, please let Janet know that as well.
Dear Ones,
Thank you to all who brought flowers to adorn our sanctuary. It is truly an act of giving glory to God.
God bless you and thank you.
Blessing and love,
Pastor Dottie
Holy Week Schedule
April 10, Psalm Sunday, Worship/Communion, 10:00 AM
April 14, Maundy Thursday, Potluck/Worship/Communion, 6:00 PM
April 17, Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Sunday, Continental , Breakfast, 9:15 AM, Worship/Communion 10:00 AM
Stated Session Meeting
Session met March16, 2022. Opened with evening prayer.
Feb. Minutes were approved. Feb. Treasurer’s report was received. Pastor’s Report was received.
A discussion was introduced by Pastor Dottie regarding how the church will move forward in the future. She shared the thoughts of Rev. Cameron Trimble. He holds that this is a time of opportunity for the church to ask questions that matter, and to re-discover and renew our faith. Session was asked to take home and read the information. To pray over what they had read and to come back with a response at our next stated meeting.
Pastor Dottie requested permission to officiate a private exchange of vows in the sanctuary
A motion was made to allow the exchange of vows. It passed.
Pastor Dottie requested permission to take vacation 04/18-04/22
A motion was made to allow for vacation. It passed.
Reports were received.
Next stated meeting May 11, 2022
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.
Dear Ones,
Valentine’s Day thoughts. Today as I began to write our newsletter, I realized the lectionary places I Corinthians 13 on this Sunday in January.
It is Paul’s beautiful poetic description of love.
It was originally written to a church in trouble. Today, we hear it most often at weddings. At a wedding, I am not sure we really hear what is being said.
I have a question for you, what do you think would happen if you and the members of your household took a few minutes each day to read I Corinthians 13? How would hearing Paul’s words impact your life if you sat every day for at least one week and read it? Do you think anything would change?
These are the words of Paul:
“13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
If you decide to join Dan and me in this challenge, and I pray you do. Please share with us how it impacted you.
May our God, who is love, keep you in God’s tender loving care.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so much for the beautiful card and gift I received for Christmas! I was very moved by your thoughtfulness in remembering me and feel blessed to have received such kindness and support. Thank you again for your gracious gift and also for welcoming me so warmly into your church family.
Dear Ones,
As we begin another year together, I wanted to write a note of thanks to those “Silent Saints.” You play a much bigger role than you realize. I thank you for your many contributions to our worship and mission.
In the life of a congregation there are “Silent Saints” who care for us in ways we are not even aware of.
I would like to express my appreciation for the “Silent Saints” in our congregation. These are the folks that come in and fix things or bring coffee or clean the fridge and never say anything.
They are the ones who pray for Dan and me. They hold in prayer each one in our church. They pray for our congregation and communities. They pray for our nation and the world. But they never tell anyone. We feel their prayers and are grateful.
Whether you pray for us or fix things or clean or bring coffee. God bless you and thank you.
Blessing and love,
Pastor Dottie
“Love Is Of God”
By Horatius Bonar, (1808-1889)
Beloved, let us love: love is of God; In God alone hath love its true abode.
Beloved, let us love: for they who love, Truly only are His sons, born from above.
Beloved, let us love: for love is rest, And he who loveth not abides unblest.
Beloved, let us love: for love is light, And he who loveth not dwelleth in night.
Beloved, let us love: for only thus Shall we behold that God Who loveth us.
Rev. Bonar came from a long line of ministers who served a total of 364 years in the Church of Scotland. Horatius studied Divinity at Edinburgh University and was ordained as a minister in 1838 at the North Church in Kelso.
In the Disruption of 1843, he left the established church and joined the Free Church of Scotland.
Rev. Bonar’s words on love reflect the words of I John 4:7-8; “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
January 2022
Dear Ones,
Every December I seek in prayer a new Bible verse for the cover of our newsletter. This year in preparing for Christmas I realized that one of the things that God is always reminding us of, is that we are not to be afraid.
No less than 84 times do we read in the Bible, “Do not be afraid.”
In the Old Testament, Genesis 15:1 God said to Abram, “Do not be afraid.”
In Luke 1:30, The angel says to Mary, “Do not be afraid.”
In Luke 2:9, The angel said to shepherds, “Do not be afraid.”
84 times in the Bible, it seems to me, we are supposed to remember that in God we need not be afraid. For such a time as this we need to be reminded that our God is faithful. And that as we walk our journey of faith we need not fear. Our God walks with us. We can trust Him when he says, “Do not be afraid.”
My prayer is that as you contemplate our Bible verse this year you will be comforted in the knowledge of God’s faithfulness.
New Year’s Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Thank You!
Dear Church Family,
It is such a blessing and honor to select and share music for our worship services. To God Be the Glory! And to each one of you I give thanks for your prayers, support, and encouragement!
In His Love,
Carol Elliott
Dear Ones,
Thank you all for the beautiful prayers, cards and gifts Dan and I received at Christmas.
The expressions of your love were over whelming.
Thanks to everyone who helped to decorate the sanctuary for Advent and Christmas.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
“The Greatest”
By Marion Brown Shelton
When Jesus walked upon the earth He didn’t talk with kings,
He talked with simple people Of doing friendly things.
He didn’t praise the conquerors And all their hero host.
He said the very greatest Were those who loved the most.
He didn’t speak of mighty deeds And victories,
He spoke Of feeding hungry people and cheering lonely folk.
I’m glad his words were simple words Just meant for me and you,
The things he asked were simple things
That even I can do!
I haven’t found any information about Marion Brown Shelton.
His words are true.
God doesn’t expect us to do big things, just things that bring peace and hope to others. Simple things: a prayer, a note, sharing what you have, even just a smile. Your acts of kindness can change someone’s life and will transform yours.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Women’s Retreat
One of the things we are planning for 2022 is a women’s retreat. It will be a one-day retreat on a Saturday at our church.
Our committee will be meeting soon to start planning the program and setting a date.
We wanted you to know that we are looking forward to this time of fellowship and worship with you.
Details will follow.
Connie DuBois
Session Meeting
Session met Nov 10, 2021. Opened with evening prayer.
Oct. Minutes were approved. Oct Treasurer’s report was received.
Budget was presented and discussed.
Apple River Pres. invited us to worship with them on January 29, 2022. Our meeting was closed with prayers of the community.
Dear Ones,
What is the most important work of Christmas? I looked on the internet and this is what I found.
The most beautiful ways to decorate a Christmas tree. The best Christmas party themes. Amazon promises the perfect gift for everyone on your list.
Christmas trees and parties, family traditions and gifts are all part of our celebration. But it is also what bogs us down. Having to meet all those expectations. The sheer busyness of it sometimes clouds our vision of the real work of Christmas. The care of one another.
Dr. Howard Thurman made a list of what he called the real work of Christmas.
To find the lost. To heal the broken. To feed the hungry.
To heal the nations. To bring peace among brothers.
To make music in the heart.
When the angels came and sang it wasn’t to the wealthy and powerful. They sang their song to shepherds in the fields. “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” God cares especially for those in need of healing, the lost, and the hungry. As people of faith, we are called to care for those who are hurting in the name of Christ. That special care is expressed in the real work of Christmas. The need doesn’t stop on December 26th.
Our response should be likewise, our caring should continue day in and day out. It should continue throughout the year, and all the days of our lives.
Dan and I pray that you have a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with peace.
Pastor Dottie and Dan
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
Thank you all for the beautiful prayers, cards and gifts I received for my birthday.
Dan and I are also thankful for the many expressions of appreciation we received on the Thanksgiving holiday.
The expressions of your love were over whelming.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Advent/Christmas Schedule
12/05 Worship/Communion
12/08 Blue Christmas Worship, Light Fellowship following worship 7:00 pm
12/12 Christmas Caroling Pastor’s Christmas Luncheon in fellowship hall
12/24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship & Communion 5:00 pm
12/25 Christmas Blessings
12/26 Sunday Worship 10:00 am
Important Dates
12/01: World AIDS Day
12/05: Worship/Communion
12/10: Human Rights Day
12/24: Christmas Eve
12/25: Christmas Blessings
12/31: Blessed and safe New Year’s Eve
Prayer Chain
A special thank you to Carol F. who has been our head shepherd. Carol is stepping down after many years of dedicated service. We are grateful for her leadership and the kindness she has shown to all.
We welcome Sharon P. as our head shepherd, and we give thanks for her willingness to share her gifts.
Volunteers Needed
Sharon P. is taking over care of the prayer chain. She will no longer be able to decorate fellowship hall for our special occasions.
Sharon has stored all the tablecloths and decorations in the church basement. We will need at least a couple of volunteers to decorate tables for our special occasions. Please contact Pastor Dottie or Jack F.
Thank you.
We are compiling our slate of Elders to be elected at our Congregational Meeting in January. We need an Elder to chair Worship. Session has ten stated meeting each year. If you have a heart for worship and are a member of our congregation, please contact Janet Kruger.
Session Meeting
Session met Oct 13, 2021. Opened with evening prayer. Sept. Minutes were approved, and the Sept Treasurer’s report was received. There was discussion regarding Per-Capita. It is set at $40.00. Ty will be sending out the stewardship letters shortly. Apple River Pres. will join us in October for worship. Plans for the Oct. Nov. Food Drive were announced. Our meeting was closed with prayers of the community.
“The Plastic Angel”
By Ann Weems
Our creche set came complete with stable and a plastic angel.
Small, not at all to scale.
The white garbed creature with uncertain wings was obviously an afterthought,
thrown in to complete the set, otherwise ceramic and hand painted…
unless, of course, this angel was a last minute substitute for one which was irresistible to the packer.
In that case, somewhere I have an irresistible ceramic angel, dressed gloriously in red,
Kneeling or flying on somebody else’s coffee table even now
as I unwrap the plastic angel.
If I could ever bring myself to throw away an angel, it would be this one,
The one with no redeeming features.’
And yet, each year as I unwrap the plastic angel,
I hesitate again to pitch this celestial messenger,
I’m reminded of my own lack of glory,
my own plastic attempts at celebrating Christmas,
my own feeble annunciations,
and once again I place this bit of plastic over the stable.
If the plastic angel
can get this far,
perhaps there’s a place in Bethlehem town for me.
Ann Weems is a Presbyterian elder, a lecturer, and a popular poet. She is the author of Family Faith Stories, Reaching for Rainbows, Searching for Shalom, Kneeling in Bethlehem, Kneeling in Jerusalem, Psalms of Lament, and Putting the Amazing Back in Grace.
Share Christ’s love with someone this holiday season.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Dear ones,
Soon, you will receive a stewardship letter, asking for your support of our community of faith.
As your pastor, I just wanted to thank you for your faithful support over the years.
Your prayers, the generous donation of your time and treasure is deeply appreciated by me and your session.
II Corinthians reminds us: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
I know that many of you are on fixed incomes, and you give sacrificially. Please know that your sacrifice does not go unnoticed.
Your session makes a prayerful effort to be good stewards of the gifts that you provide.
They try to keep our in-house expenses under control, so that we are free as a congregation to do what we are called to do by Jesus Christ, which is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless heal the sick and visit those in prison.
It is through your generosity that we can support places like Riverview Center; our Child Fund grandchild, the Bering Witness. There are the school kits that you prepare and are distributed across our country and across the world. We also support our Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly. In addition, there are the special Presbyterian missions you support. Locally, there is the CROP Walk, Mop Shop, local food pantries, Christmas families and the Sonshine Center. For our congregation the building fund and the cemetery fund receive your support. I know that I have probably missed a mission or situation that you have all worked hard to support. Our outreach is so wide-ranging.
It can only be this extensive because of your generous spirit and your commitment to God.
We are approaching Thanksgiving Day; Dan and I pray you will have a Thanksgiving filled with God’s blessings. For those of you who will be on the road may God grant you traveling mercies.
As your pastor, again, thank you and God bless you.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
11/01, Helen K., 11/03, Simone W.. 11/06, Tammy C., 11/12, Melvin D., 11/16, Allen K., Dave M., Pastor Dottie Morizzo, 11/20, Patricia D., 11/23, Larry E., 11/28, RJ P.
11/18, Roger & Fran H.
Thank You
From Warren and Dianne D.: The gratitude Warren and I carry in our hearts ties us ever closer to this congregation. We were so touched by your expressions of Love, prayers, phone calls, and messages. God could not have led us to a more perfect Christian family. I would appreciate continuing prayers for healing and to become comfortable with this new technical wonder that is guiding my heart every second of every day. May God Bless You,
Dianne and Warren
Thank you to all who provided the flowers that adorned our sanctuary for our worship times.
Thank you to all who donated time, treasure, and effort to keeping our grounds so beautiful all summer.
We remember our First Friday Gardeners; Carol Elliott and Dianne Dixon, and others who gave time to brighten our grounds.
We would also like to thank TKS lawn care for keeping our grass neat and tidy and trimming our bushes.
May God bless you for your service.
Ladies’ Circle
We enjoyed our last meeting of 2021. We had dessert and coffee and played board games.
We talked about our plans for next year.
We laughed, we prayed, we planned. We had a wonderful time!
I thank You for these gifts dear God, Upon Thanksgiving Day-
For love and laughter and the faith That makes me kneel to pray.
For life that lends me happiness, And sleep that gives me rest,
These are the gifts that keep my heart Serene within my breast.
Love, laughter, faith and life and sleep, We own them, every one-
They carry us along the road That leads from sun to sun.
Margaret E. Sangster
There is some confusion on the authorship of this poem because there is a granddaughter with the same name. Regardless of who the author is, this sweet little poem/prayer, is a simple tribute to the gifts of God. My prayer is that you will share this poem with your family this Thanksgiving.
Autumn has arrived. The air is getting a little crisper.
The leaves make wonderful crunchy noises as you shuffle through the rainbow of gold, yellow and red on your path.
Night is falling upon us a little faster.
Autumn is a season of transition, a time of preparation for renewal.
Parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, have hearts that are filled with joy as children and young adults return to classes.
Farmers and gardeners are putting their fields and beds to rest in preparation for winter.
Autumn is an exciting and busy time.
Even in the busyness of our lives it is important to take time to listen for the still, quiet voice of God. Set a time each day for quiet and prayer.
During your prayer time each day pray for a different member of your family. Lift-up any individual needs and specific concerns they have and celebrate their joys.
Take time to be thankful. Autumn is the season for thanksgiving. It’s a season of praise. It’s a season to gather with family and friends to thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us.
God blesses us in so many ways, sometimes in our busyness we don’t even notice all the blessings God places in our lives.
Each day set aside a few minutes to write down three things for which you are grateful. Prayer and gratitude, time with God and those we love. Have a blessed Autumn
Thanksgiving/Advent Calendar
This is our calendar for our Thanksgiving and Advent gatherings.
We have many opportunities for us to gather for worship and fellowship.
There will also be collections of treasure and gifts for our Christmas family and our food pantries. Please keep them in your prayers.
Please cut out our calendar, put on your refrigerator or another prominent place. We don’t want you to miss anything!
11/16, Longboards, potluck, and worship with communion 6:00 PM.
11/21, Christ the King Worship, followed by Hanging of the Greens and dessert.
11/25, Thanksgiving Day, give thanks!
11/28, First Sunday of Advent.
12/05, Second Sunday of Advent, Worship/Communion/Fellowship Breakfast.
12/08, Blue Christmas Worship/Communion/Cookies and Cocoa Fellowship, immediately following worship.
12/12, Christmas Caroling Worship/Pastor’s Luncheon in Fellowship Hall, immediately following worship.
12/24, Christmas Eve Worship/Communion, 5:00 PM (please note new time).
Session Meeting
Session met Sept. 8, 2021.
Opened with evening prayer.
Motion to accept July/Aug. financials, seconded and passed.
Motion to accept Aug. Session minutes, seconded and passed.
Motion to accept the propane contract, seconded and passed.
Motion to accept vacation request from Pastor Dottie, seconded and passed.
Reports were received/
Meeting was adjourned with the prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer.
“For we live by faith, not by sight,” II Corinthians 5:7
Dear Ones,
One of the challenges the church universal faces today is that though we have many faithful attenders, not many people make the commitment to membership. I think we have lost sight of the importance of membership in the body of Christ. Here are just a few reasons why church membership matters.
1. In joining a church you make visible your commitment to Christ and his people. You state before God and others that you are part of a specific body of believers. It’s easy to talk in glowing terms about the invisible church-the body of all believers near and far, living and dead-but it’s in the visible church that God expects you to live out your faith.
2. Making a commitment makes a powerful statement in a low-commitment culture. Joining a church in our culture is a counter-cultural statement.
Membership states in a formal way, “I am part of something bigger than myself. I am not just one of a group of individuals. I am part of a body.”
3. Joining the church gives you an opportunity to make promises. When someone becomes a member at Schapville Zion Church, they make promises to pray, give, serve, attend worship, accept the spiritual guidance of the church, obey its teachings, and seek the things that make for unity, purity, and peace. We ought not to make these promises lightly. They are solemn vows.
Membership matters more than most people think. If you really want to be a counter-cultural revolutionary, sign up for our fall membership class, meet with me and our elders, and consider joining our congregation this year.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Important Dates
10/03, First Sunday, Worship & Communion, fellowship breakfast.
Season of Peace ends today with World Communion Sunday and prayers for peace in the world.
10/10, Domestic Violence Awareness, prayer focus for those struggling in abusive relationships.
10/13, Session Meets, 4:00 PM
10/17, Children’s Sabbath, prayer focus childhood education.
10/24, United Nations Day, prayer focus, the nations of the world.
10/31, Reformation Sunday, prayer focus the church, may she be reformed and always reforming.
10/02, Morgan C. Lynn W. ,10/06, Bill P.. 10/15, Carol F.
10/23, Connie D., Kathy P., 10/30, Gordon S.
10/19, Jarrett & Connie, 10/23, Mike& Susan
Thank You
Thank you to all who provided the flowers that adorned our sanctuary for our worship times.
I received a thank you note from Laureen C., sister of Carol G. When she visited Carol and Casey, she attended church here at Schapville with Carol. Her note reads in part: To All of you, Thank you for the gift of your service in your lovely church. It has been decades since I have been to a Presbyterian Service. It felt so welcoming to me, and those strong, old familiar hymns. I was moved to happy tears…With heartfelt connection- Best Regards, Laureen
“Out of the Vast”
There’s a part of the sun in the apple, There’s a part of the moon in a rose;
There’s a part of the flaming Pleiades In every leaf that grows.
Out of the vast comes nearness; For God whose love we sing
Lends a little of His heaven To every living thing.
Augustus Wright Bamberger
I have no information to share with you regarding our poet, Mr. Bamberger.
The poem itself speaks to a reality that easily goes unnoticed. That all the beauty in the world is a gift from God. The world God created for our home did not need to be beautiful, but it is beautiful because of God’s love for God’s creation.
Ladies Circle
The Ladies Circle met on the 21st, at the Big Heart Ranch, home of Wende C. We began our gathering meeting the horses, which were our program for the afternoon. Wende, and her daughter Kristle presented an educational program, especially for those of us who know nothing about horses and their personalities. We had the opportunity to lead a sweet little Shetland pony around the yard. This little fella was strong, especially if you are a novice leading the pony who loves grass! We each had a opportunity to feed treats to “Starlight.”
We then retired to the barn, where the aroma of hay greets you. The table was set for fall. We enjoyed treats, cold drinks, and fellowship. A short meeting followed. Thank you to Wende and Kristle for hosting our meeting and presenting the program.
Dear Ones,
Summer is here! This is a wonderfully busy time for us.
We have opportunities to give to our communities and beyond.
Donation Schedule
June, Food Pantries
July, Mop Shop
August, School Kits
Summer is an especially difficult time for families with parents working and children home from school. Every gift helps a family in need.
We have learning opportunities in our Bible Studies.
Bible Studies
Men’s Study, 9:00 AM Tuesdays – Adult Study, 1:30 PM Thursday
Small Group, 3:00 PM Sunday – Ladies’ Circle 3rd Tuesday
If you haven’t attended one of our groups, summer is a good time to try one of our groups. It is an opportunity to get to know the people you worship with on Sunday a little better. If you would like to have more information about our groups please contact Connie DuBois or Pastor Dottie.
A special time of fellowship.
In-Door Picnic
July 18, we will have worship and a picnic in Fellowship Hall. It will be our first potluck since 2019. Please bring a dish to share and a friend to share in worship and fellowship. We are looking forward to this time of fellowship and fun!
As every summer we have a sermon series.
Summer Sermon Series, “Moses, the Man and the Mission”
07/04/21, “Moses, Auspicious Beginnings,” Exodus 1:1-2, 10,
07/11/21, “An Incredible Theophany,” Exodus 2:11-3:9
07/18/21, “Arguing the Mission,” Exodus 3:10-4:20
07/25/21, “A Miraculous Fairway,” Exodus 14:15-21
08/01/21, “Morning by Morning,” Exodus 16
08/08/21, “An Extraordinary Offering,” Exodus 35:4-36:7
It is a busy time. God has blessed us with gifts beyond measure.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Important Dates
07/04, Independence Day, Pray for our nation. First Sunday, Worship/Communion
07/18, In-Door Picnic/Potluck, bring a dish to share and a friend to share.
07/20, Covenant Group, 12:00 PM, Fellowship Hall. Ladies’ Circle, 1:00 PM, Presentation by Mop Shop
08/01, First Sunday, Worship/Communion, Memorial Sunday
08/08, Prayer focus College Students.
08/15, Prayer focus Youth in the Church
08/22, Prayer focus Public Education
07/01, Dan Morizzo
07/02, Doris Boyce
07/03, Nancy Bottomley, Diane Marcure
07/15, Ken Koester
07/16, Mary Koester
07/29, Jim Hackbarth
08/04, Louisa Williams
08/05, Donna Wrzeszcz
08/13, Laura Duerr
08/15, Rachel Schiess
08/22, Warren Dixon
08/31, Mattie Cocagne
07/12, Dan & Pastor Dottie Morizzo
08/16, Jack & Carol F
08/24, Milt & Pat M
08/31, Russ & Elaine D
Thank You!
We received a note from David R: “Thanks to all for the Birthday Cards.
May God bless you all.
Love always, David R.”
Greeting Cards
A new selection of greeting cards has been added to the shelves in Fellowship hall. Please place your payment in the envelopes provided and place envelope in church collection plate.
Open Doors 2019
I received a picture along with a note from Open Doors. The note reads: “Pastor Dottie and Ladies’ Circle, I came across this photo today and it brought back fond memories of our 2019 visit. Carol and I enjoyed our scenic trip. I hope all is well in your lives. Nice to see our world slowly recovering from the Pandemic. Take care and happy summer. Ann.”
Opening Doors is a nonprofit organization who help women and children who are experiencing homelessness in Dubuque.
Ladies Circle
On Tuesday, June 15th, our Ladies’ Circle made a trip to Kewanee. Our first stop was at Jim and Monika Breed’s home. We shared hugs and smiles, along with many “oohs and ahhs” as we toured the Breeds lovely new home and yard. We are happy to report they are nicely settled in their home, and glad to be back in the town they called “home” for 24 years.
We then went to enjoy lunch and lively conversation at one of the local restaurants. We then spent time at Goods Furniture. The space is large with many attractive groupings. It was interesting to see the focus is now a neutral palette.
A road trip would not be complete with this group without an ice cream stop. So, some of us headed to DQ at Mt. Carroll where we enjoyed delicious treats.
The next meeting will be July 20th, at 1 PM in fellowship hall. Our presentation will be by Mindy Dalgarn of the Mop Shop. She asked for e will be accepting donations of Paper towels, Dawn Dish Detergent, and Disinfecting wipes July 4 through July 18.
Thank you for your generosity.
Dianne Dixon
Edwin Markham, (1852-1940)
For each true deed is worship; it is prayer,
And carries its own answer unaware.
Yes, they whose feet upon good errands run
Are friends of God, with Michael of the sun;
Yes, each accomplished service of the day
Paves for the feet of God a lordlier way.
The souls that love, and labor through all wrong,
They clasp His hand and make the Circle strong;
They lay the deep foundation stone by stone,
And build into Eternity Cod’s throne!
Edwin Markham was born Apr 23, 1852 in Oregon City, Oregon. He attended San Jose State University and California State Normal School.
He taught literature in El Dorado County until 1879, when he became education superintendent of the county. He was an educator and poet.
His most famous poem, “The Man with the Hoe,” which accented laborers’ hardships, was first presented at a public poetry reading in 1898. It became quite popular. In New York, he gave many lectures to labor groups. These happened as often as his poetry readings.
He died: Mar 07, 1940 in Staten Island, NY
Dan and I spent some time at the Grohmann Museum of Work. It had many wonderful works of art honoring the work of men and women.
Work when done to the glory of God, is a labor of love. As you go through your daily routine working at home or at your vocation offer it as a prayer to the God who loves you. No matter how menial your task, give it to God as a gift. It gives meaning to your efforts.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Dear Ones,
With restrictions being lifted, everyone seems so light-hearted.
Being able to see one another’s smile, hug, and touch hands makes us feel more alive. Our poet says it this way: “The touch of your hand and mine, Which means far more to the fainting heart, Than shelter and bread and wine;”
We are beginning to re-connect with family and friends. It is a comforting time, indeed.
Because we are a resort community, we have much to share with our families and friends as they spend time with us this summer. We seem more excited than ever to receive them in our homes.
I want to thank each of you for your cooperation with your Session and staff, as we shepherded you through these complex times.
Let us take a moment to thank God who saw us through this time and remember God has always seen us through times of difficulty.
May this season of rest and refreshment rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be open to the goodness of God’s creation.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
We received a thank you letter from Wayne and Nancy Bottomley “Thank you for the cards on our 60th wedding anniversary. We were blessed by the notes and memories. We sold our house at Apple Canyon Lake. We miss you.
Grace and peace,
Wayne and Nancy.
Dear Ones,
We received a thank you note from the G.O.A.T.S. Cycling group. In part it says Thank you for letting the G.O.A.T.S. use your property facilities for our Ride the Up and Downs event…Your kindness helped make the ride a great experience for 185 riders.
Pastor Dottie
Important Dates
June 1, Prayer focus: Gun Violence
June 6, First Sunday, Worship/Communion
June 8, Presbytery Assembly, meets by Zoom
June 9, Session 4 PM, Fellowship Hall.
June 15, Covenant Group/Ladies’ Circle, TBA
June 20, Fathers’ Day, Prayer focus; World Refugees
June 25-August 15, A season of prayer and reflection in the Korean Peninsula
June 27, Prayer: Those dealing with AIDS
Men’s Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM in Fellowship Hall.
Adult Bible Study meets on Thursday at 1:30 PM in Fellowship Hall.
06/02, Russell D., 06/15, David R., 06/18, Sue H., 06/29, Steve D.
06/08, Warren & Dianne D., 06/10, Jim & Monika B., 06/14, Bill & Debbie B., 06/16, Larry & Carol E., 06/21, Ty & Gail C., 06/25, Ken & Mary K.
Spencer Michael Free (1856-1938)
‘Tis the human touch in this world that counts,
“The Human Touch”
‘Tis the human touch in this world that counts,
The touch of your hand and mine,
Which means far more to the fainting heart
Than shelter and bread and wine;
For shelter is gone when the night is o’er,
And bread lasts only a day,
But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice
Sing on in the soul alway.
Dr. Freeman, was educated at John Hopkins. Practiced practical medicine and surgery. He wrote a hundred different medical papers but along with those papers he wrote poetry.
We enter this new phase of life after isolation and fear of the pandemic. One of the lessons of that experience was a deeper understanding of our need for human touch. Jesus touched people physically in many of his healings. He still touches us today through the gift of the Holy Spirit. God bless you with an awareness of the Holy Spirit and God’s love.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Floral Arranging
At our Ladies’ Circle Meeting in May Dianne gave us a lesson on flower arranging. Everyone enjoyed it so much we thought Dianne could share some of her tips with you.
1 A balanced floral arrangement includes equal eye attraction, equal visual weight, and equal elements on each side.
2 Decide the general shape. The choices are symmetrical, asymmetrical, or open balance. Open balance is neither symmetric or asymmetry, it is basically used creating bridal bouquets.
3 Choose a pleasing combination of material, colors, and textures.
4 Add rhythm to your bouquet by adding 3 open, airy cuts of a complimentary or contrasting color, and texture. Use greenery, flowering bushes, or twigs. Place these rhythmic additions above the other elements by an inch or two, place in a triangle shape atop the arrangement.
5 Measure the flower next to your vase choice and cut the stem so 50% is in the vase and 50% of the stem/flower is above the vase opening.
6 Place the flower with the greatest number in the vase first and work your way down. To hold flowers in place and add interest, use colorful beads, marbles or shells placed at the bottom of the vase. When creating your arrangement work in numbers of 3-5-7-9, referring to like flowers.
7 For longer lasting bouquets add 2 teaspoons of sugar to the vase of water, also change the water on the arrangement at least every 3 days and always snip the stems ends. Add a ribbon tied around the vase neck.
Enjoy your bouquets!
May 2021
Dear Ones,
When you enter our sanctuary, you see the white paraments, the cross with white bunting and the crown are still in place. All symbolic of the celebration of Easter. That is because Easter is not merely a one-day experience. Easter is a fifty-day season. It begins on Easter Day and ends at Pentecost.
Our Book of Common Worship describes it in this way: “The seven weeks of the Easter season make up a ‘week of weeks’ (seven times seven): a symbol in time of the fullness and abundance of God’s grace. In ancient practice, fasting and kneeling were forbidden during the weeks of Easter. In this most joyful season, we celebrate the great mystery of our faith-that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.”
In Romans Paul shares these words: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
Easter Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
We received a thank you letter from Kemmerer Village. It said in part, “It was a wonderful Christmas for the children. The memories created will last a lifetime. Thank you.” The Elizabeth Food Basket sent a thank you letter for food and monetary donations. Saying in part, “Your gifts allow us to continue to provide food for those in need.”
Thank you for your generosity.
Pastor Dottie
Dear Ones,
The Church Sanctuary has once again been adorned with beautiful, fresh bouquets. This tradition has been absent for a number of months due to covid19, we pray that now we can take a deep breath, relax, and be welcomed into the Sanctuary, with the sign of spring through these living beauties.
Thank you to Jack/Carol Fox; Allan/Jan Kruger; and The Deliberto family.
Blessings and love,
Carol Fox, Worship Flowers
Dear Ones,
Thank you so much for the many prayers, thoughtful cards and messages of sympathy for our family as we mourned the passing of Dan’s brother, Tony.
Blessings and love,
Dan and Pastor Dottie
For The Believer, Spring is Eternal, Helen Steiner Rice (1900-1981)
All nature heeds the call of Spring
as God awakens everything
And all that seemed so dead and still
experiences a sudden thrill.
As Springtime lays a magic hand
across God’s vast and fertile land
Oh, how can anyone stand by
and watch a sapphire Springtime sky
Or see a fragile flower break through
what just a day ago or two
Seemed barren ground still hard with frost, but in God’s world no life is lost,
And flowers sleep beneath the ground
but when they hear Spring’s waking sound
They push themselves through layers of clay
to reach the sunlight of God’s Day
And man, like flowers ,too, must sleep
until he is called from the “darkened sleep”
To live in that place where angels sing
and where there is Eternal Spring!
This poem was submitted by Dianne Dixon. She found it in a book of poetry by Helen Steiner Rice.
Mrs. Rice was a successful businesswoman and lecturer but found her most satisfying outlet in writing verse for the greeting card company Gibson Greetings.
Her poems received wide exposure in the 1960s when several were read on the poetry segment of the Lawrence Welk television show.
The demand for her poems became so great that her books are still selling steadily after many printings, and she has been acclaimed as “America’s beloved inspirational poet laureate”.
It is my prayer that this lovely poem fills you with hope.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is a beautiful celebration of our Moms. Church service, brunch on the patio, baskets of red geraniums and boxes of chocolates, recognizing their love, devotion. Our moms taught us responsibility, respect, goal setting for ourselves, 0hhh, no backtalk tolerated ever. My brother and I learned that early on. My Dad also had a great role in the growing up years. Miss them both tremendously.
Mother’s Day started in America by a woman named Anna Jarvis. She held a small memorial service for her own Mother on the 12th of May, 1907. Soon after, most areas of America were observing the day and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday, to be celebrated the 2nd Sunday of May.
The following spirit lifting devotional was written by Mary Lou Carney found in another of my mom’s many books.
Proverbs 13:22, A good man [woman] leaveth an inheritance to his[her] children’s children
A lady I knew casually stopped by my office the other day. “Oh, I see you love purple! So do I! “
After she left, I looked around my office. Purple had been my mother’s favorite color, but I’d never been particularly fond of it, until my mother’s death. Now I surround myself with it. A purple vase. A picture of an iris. The lavender border on a piece of stained glass.
Loving purple was one way I’d become like Mom. But what else had her legacy to me included? Was I as filled with laughter as she had always been, always ready with a witty comment? Was I as eager to study the word of God as she was, rising early to spend quiet time before the day’s work began?
And what about my own daughter? What would be my legacy to Amy Jo? Fast food meals? Hurried phone calls? An inflated sense of my own importance?
Perhaps I could incorporate another “hallmark” of mom, too.
Her ability to listen. That unhurried way she would sit and listen to folks who stopped by, even tho she had a stack of ironing to do or a dozen rows of corn to hoe. I’d inherited Mom’s favorite color. Had I inherited her talent for listening, too?
I picked up the phone to call Amy Jo. We’d have a leisurely dinner. I’d listen to what was going on in her world. I’d work on leaving her a legacy worth inheriting.
Maybe I’d pick up some irises for her, too.
Remind me, Lord, that listening to each other is good practice for listening to You. Amen
As I discovered this devotion in my mom’s book, I am thinking, this is totally my Mom. Happy Mother’s Day Mom, and Happy Mother’s Day my Christian sisters
Dianne Dixon
Rural Life Sunday

On April 25, we celebrated Rural Life Sunday.
The history of this congregation is steeped in farming. Most of our founding members were farm people from the surrounding areas.
The tradition of farming continues in our community. We still have working family farms, retired farmers, and family gardens.
Samuel R. Guard, shared these words: “The farmer is a believer…He plows in faith; he sows in hope; he reaps in charity.”
So, we celebrate the belief and hope that is the spirit of the farming community. God bless us with gentle rains and abundant harvest that all your people may be fed.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
April 2021
Dear Ones,
Butterflies begin life as caterpillars. Once fully grown, the caterpillar forms itself into a chrysalis; a kind of vessel in which the caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
Every spring the sisters at Sinsinawa Mound have large jars to hold the chrysalis. For weeks they seem to be dead, unmoving in their tiny gray wrappings.
One by one, the gray cases begin to twist and turn, and split open. A beautiful butterfly emerges. Each one stands for hours gently moving its wings, pumping fluids into them to extend them fully. Then the butterflies are released by the sisters and they soar gracefully away on the breezes of summer, leaving nothing behind but a broken chrysalis to indicate its former bondage.
The chrysalis and butterfly suggest the empty graveclothes of our risen Lord. When Peter and John heard the news that the Lord’s body was gone from the garden tomb, they ran all the way to the tomb. John 20:6-7, tells us, Peter entered the tomb and “he saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus’ head.
The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen.” The graveclothes once wrapped continuously around the body now lay collapsed, mute testimony that the corpse they had once shrouded had now emerged in life.
The bondage of death is broken. Christ is risen! We can face tomorrow with the assurance that Jesus is in fact alive to help us, to guide us, to give us hope for the future. And since He is living, our problems are not insolvable. The broken chrysalis of His graveclothes proclaims that Christ is Victor even over death.
He is risen! He is risen indeed!
Easter Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie and Dan
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
The Church Sanctuary has once again been adorned with beautiful, fresh bouquets. This tradition has been absent for a number of months due to covid19, we pray that now we can take a deep breath, relax, and be welcomed into the Sanctuary, with the sign of spring through these living beauties.
Thank you to Jack/Carol Fox; Allan/Jan Kruger; and The Deliberto family.
Blessings and love,
Carol, Worship Flowers
Dear Ones,
Thank you so much for the many thoughtful cards, good wishes and prayers we received for our anniversary. They added to our celebration.
David and Diane
Ladies’ Circle
It is with great joy that we reunite with our sisters in Christ! Ladies Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 20 at 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.
We will hear each other’s challenges and blessings since we last met and make plans for Ladies Circle 2021.
There will be no refreshments.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage each other and build each other up.”
Spring is quickly approaching, “the First Friday Ladies” are ready for action. It is with great expectation we look forward to tending to the emerging bulbs, the budding shrubs, plants, and creating colorful flowerpots as eye catchers.
Carol Elliott and I will begin our mission on April 30th. No, that is not the first Friday, but sometimes we need to adjust our schedule due to conflicts.
Ladies, if you enjoy the satisfaction of working a part of God’s beautiful, fertile land, playing in the dirt, nurturing, weeding, plus the great outdoors, time for coffee and fellowship, we would love to have you join us. If there are questions, please contact Carol or Dianne.
Holy Week
Lectionary Readings
Maundy Thursday
Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14; Psalm 116:1-23, 12-19, I Corinthians 11:23-26;. John 13:1-17, 31b-35
Good Friday
Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Psalm 22, Hebrews 10:16-25, or Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9
Resurrection of Lord, Easter Day
Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24,
I Corinthians 15:1-11, or Acts 10:34-43, Mark 16:1-8
Easter Evening
Isaiah 25:6-9, Psalm 114, I Corinthians 5:6b-8, Luke 24:13-49
Birthdays: 04/02, Wende, Barb, 04/09, Devon, 04/10, Roger, 04/13, Kristel, 04/19, Milt 04/21, Gail, Jarret, 04/27, Fran, Richard
04/04, Wayneand Nancy, 04/22, John and Laura
04/28, Russell and Lona,
Poetry Corner
“Easter Morning”
Phillips Brooks, (1835-1893)
Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer: Death is strong, but life is stronger;
Stronger than the dark, the light; Stronger than the wrong, the right;
Faith and hope triumphant say, “Christ will rise on Easter day!”
While the patient earth lies waking Til the morning shall be breaking.
Shuddering ‘neath the burden dread Of her Master, cold and dead,
Hark! she hears the angels say. “Christ will rise on Easter day!”
And when sunrise smites the mountains, Pouring light from heavenly fountains,
Then the earth blooms out to greet Once again the blessed feet;
And her countless voices say: “Christ has risen on Easter day!”
Rev. Phillips Brooks was a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary. Served as rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Philadelphia. Stood with the abolitionists in the Civil War. He also wrote the text for “O Little Town of Bethlehem.
It is my prayer that his words of praise for the gift of the Resurrection will fill your hearts with joy this Easter Day.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
March 2021
Dear Ones,
Fran H. shared “A Routine for the Day, Arranged to Go from My Head to My Feet.” So, now I am sharing this special routine with you.
Open my MIND to understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:45, “45 Then he (Jesus) opened their minds to understand the scriptures.”
Open my EYES to see the wonders of Your word. Psalm 119:18, “18 Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.”
Open my MOUTH and put words in it that I might boldly proclaim the mystery of the Gospel. Ephesians 6:19, “19 Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.”
Open my HEART to pay attention. Acts 16:14, “14 A certain woman named Lydia, a worshiper of God, was listening to us; she was from the city of Thyatira and a dealer in purple cloth. The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul.”
Open my HANDS to the poor. Proverbs 31:20, “20 She opens her hand to the poor, and reaches out her hands to the needy.”
Open the doors of opportunity you’d have my FEET walk through. I Corinthians 16:8-9, “.8 But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, 9 for a wide door for effective work has opened to me…”
Each part of this routine requires staying in relationship with the Triune God. Relationship requires contact. Contact in the form of prayer. It also requires response. Response in the form of mindfulness of ourselves and others. Out of prayer and mindfulness will come the actions that bear fruit from this special routine for the day.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
On behalf of our entire congregation, I offer a special thank you to Russ D. who has retired as Clerk of Session. He has been a faithful and accurate clerk, and a friend and helper to his colleagues on session.
Thank you to Debbie B. who retired mid-year from session due to work responsibilities.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
We welcome Steve D. to Session. We are grateful for his willingness to serve.
We also welcome Elaine D. who now has taken the responsibility of Clerk of Session. Thank you for your willingness to serve.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie
Poetry Corner
“The Cross Was His Own”
They borrowed a bed to lay His head
When Christ the Lord came down;
They borrowed an ass in the mountain pass, For him to ride to town;
But the Crown He wore and the Cross that He bore, Were His own-
The cross was His own.
He borrowed the bread when the crowd He fed, On the grassy mountain side;
He borrowed the dish of broken fish
With which He satisfied.
But the Crown He wore and the Cross that He bore, Were His own-
The cross was His own.
He borrowed the ship in which to sit
To teach the multitude;
He borrowed a nest in which to rest,
He had never a home so crude;
But the Crown He wore and the Cross that He bore, Were His own-
The cross was His own.
He borrowed a room on His way to the tomb,
The Passover Lamb to eat;
They borrowed a cave for Him a grave; They borrowed the winding sheet;
But the Crown He wore and the Cross that He bore, Were His own-
The cross was His own.
This poem’s author is Anonymous. The words are a powerful reminder of the life of Christ and the economy of God.
Dear Ones,
Our Book of Common Worship tells us: On Ash Wednesday, February 17th, we will enter the season of Lent.
Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season with a public act of confession. Acknowledging that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Ashes are the ancient symbol of repentance, sorrow, and sacrifice. Traditionally the ashes are made from the Palm branches of the previous year.
Lent is the time for us to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Lent is a period of forty days: like the flood of Genesis, Moses’ time at Sinai, Elijah’s journey to Mt. Horeb, Jonah’s call of repentance to Nineveh and Jesus’ testing in the wilderness. The Sundays are not counted among the forty days, as every Lord’s Day is a celebration of Christ’s’ resurrection.
Lent is a time of reconciliation. Reconciliation with God and one another through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Please take time for quiet reflection and prayer during this Lenten Season that is set aside for the growing of our faith.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Dear Ones,
As you can see, it is a time of change for our Newsletter.
We are seeking a new Editor to work along with Dianne. The work is comprised of preparing the Newsletter. Putting the Newsletter together; emailing it to those who would like to receive it electronically and mailing it to those who prefer a paper copy. Supplies: paper and stamps will be provided.
If you would like to be a part of this important ministry, please contact Dianne or me.
We now offer electronic copies of our Newsletter. If your email is not on file at the church office and you would prefer an electronic copy, please contact the church office with your request and information.
Blessings and love, Pastor Dottie
Thank You!
Dear Ones,
This congregation is generous and kind beyond measure. All of 2020 you have encouraged and prayed for Dan and me, we so appreciate your prayers. Please continue to pray for us.
We thank you for your beautiful Christmas cards. We read each one and prayed for you. Thank you for your generous gifts.
The expressions of your love were overwhelming.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Dottie and Dan
My Dear Church Friends
Larry and I have tons of blessings going into the new year.
Thank you ever so much for the prayers, cards, gifts, friendship, and love.
God Bless each of you in 2021.
Larry and Carol
Valentine’s Day, Love is in the Air
St Valentine’s Day or The Feast of St Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14th. It originated as a western feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named St. Valentine. This day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious and “commercial’ celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world. During the life of St Valentine, he ministered to help the Christian to escape this persecution and provide them with sacrament, as marriage, which was outlawed by the Roman Empire at that time. St Valentine is said to have cut hearts out of parchment paper, giving them to the soldiers and persecuted Christians'(which may be the possible origin of widespread use of the hearts on St Valentine Day.)
The Festival also celebrated the coming of Spring, fertility, and the special “St. Hugs Day” The month of February, in which we celebrate Valentine’s Day, means “to purify.”
It is a transitional time, finding itself just after a month of reflection and New Year resolution.
May you and your loved ones have a beautiful Valentine’s Day.
Twelve Rules For Happiness
Happiness is a habit. A by-product of right thinking and living.
- Live a simple life.
- Spend less than you earn.
- Think constructively.
- Cultivate a yielding disposition.
- Be grateful.
- Rule your moods.
- Give Generously.
- Work with right motives.
- Be interested in others.
10) Live one day at a time.
11) Have a hobby for diversion and relaxation.
12) Keep close to God, true and enduring happiness depends primarily
upon close alliance with HIM.
What a joy it is to know that we were created because God wanted to create us. He still wants us, loves us, and cares for us. If we live each day in that knowledge, then we will be living each day in honor of God and his offer of life to us. What an amazing gift! It leaves you breathless!
Important Dates
Feb. 07 First Sunday Communion
Feb. 10 Session 4 PM, Fellowship Hall
Feb. 14 Transfiguration Sunday, Valentine’s Day
Feb. 17 Ash Wednesday Worship 5:00 PM
Feb. 21 First Sunday in Lent
See you next Month
We will begin face-to-face worship, for the following dates: 12/13 with Blue Christmas Service. If you prefer you may join us on our Facebook page for video worship.
Beginning on December 17th and continuing through December 23rd each morning we will post on our Facebook page a short video of a daily devotional. It will centered around the O Antiphons. Each emphasizing a different prophetic title for Jesus as foretold in the Old Testament by the prophet Isaiah. Please join us each day.
Christmas Eve Candle Light Worship with Communion 5:00 and 7:00 PM, to make a reservation, please call the church office at 815-845-2272. Masks and physical distancing will be the norm. Seating will be limited.
Calendar December 2020
12/06 Worship with Communion
12/09 Session Meeting 4:00 pm Fellowship Hall
12/13 Blue Christmas Worship and cookie exchange
12/24 Christmas Eve Candle Light Worship with Communion 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM
12/25 Christmas Blessings
12/27 First Sunday after Christmas, 9 Lessons and Carols Worship
12/31 Have a blessed and safe New Year’s Eve
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study meets at 9:00 am on Tuesday and meets in Fellowship Hall.